Measures Relating to the Myanmar Company Regulations

Market Access
sr. Rules measures mode remarks
1 3 (a)

The Registrar shall establish and maintain the electronic registry system. Any registry transaction under the Law shall be carried out using the electronic registry system.

MODE 3 Market Access
2 10 (a)

A private company limited by shares registered under the Law may adopt the prescribed model constitution. 

MODE 3 Market Access
National Treatment
sr. Rules measures mode remarks
3 11 (a)

Subject to section 469 of the Law, a director of a company shall not resign or vacate his office unless there is remaining in the company at least one director who is or will be ordinarily resident in the Union and any purported resignation or vacation of office in breach of this sub-paragraph shall be deemed to be invalid.

MODE 3 National Treatment
4 11 (b)

If there is a contravention of sub-paragraph (a), the Registrar may either of his own motion or on the application of any person, directs the members of the company to appoint a director who is ordinarily resident in the Union if he considers it to be in the interests of the company for such appointment to be made.

MODE 3 National Treatment
5 11 (c)

If a company carries on business without having at least one director who is ordinarily resident in the Union for more than 6 months, a person who, for the whole or any part of the period that it so carries on business after those 6 months: 

(i)  is a member of the company; and  

(ii)  knows that it is carrying on business in that manner, shall be liable for the payment of all the debts of the company contracted during the period or, as the case may be, that part of it, and may be sued there for. 

MODE 3 National Treatment